An Inauguration...

This journal is an exploration into occult symbolism and philosophy of the Traditional Western religions.  It is also going to be an exploration into the nature and theory of Western Art.  Along with this, the current political climate of our age will be analyzed from a Pagan Traditionalist perspective.  It is my hope that one finds spiritual truths and a way to embark on one’s own path toward celestial consciousness through engaging with the techniques and philosophies in my writing.

               Several days before this writing, former President Donald J. Trump a candidate for the 2024 U.S. Presidency was nearly assassinated.  Mr. Trump seems to be the only bulwark, the lone warrior of Truth in the West against the forces of dissolution.  The chaos in Western society has been more and more pronounced in the last 20 years or so, especially since September 11th 2001 in the United States and mass migration from the Middle East to Europe. 

This age of chaos began in the 19th century with the industrial revolution, but the seeds of it were planted 2,000 years ago with the Christian destruction of European civilization.  We in the West are in a state of final collapse, and this is quite apparent from the events surrounding the attempt on Donald Trump’s life.  We are in the state of pure dissolution of the last days of the Kali Yuga.  The West has been invaded by the Third World, the nations are in debt and struggling economically, and there is no Tradition of spirituality of European culture to bind our civilization together.  The Cult of Intersectionality dismisses all of Western art, history, science, literature, philosophy, and spiritual wisdom as being of “white supremacy” and calls for it to be dismantled.  Also, the Marxist Left calls for the cultural and spiritual genocide of the Indo-European peoples, while the supposed “religion of the West” Christianity, a foreign Middle-Eastern cult, has no influence on society and has now become postmodern kitsch.  The Christian-Marxist hostility toward culture has made the average Indo-European an empty shell, filling his time with pointless distractions and a general sense of ennui.

               The return of the Pagan world and the Primordial Tradition begins the Satya Yuga or the Golden Age.  This is a symbol of cultural regrowth and a society in union with Supranatural Consciousness.  The average citizen of the modern world can no longer possess their time, and have lost the keys to Initiation.  This journal, and my writing in general, is dedicated to the revival of this Perennial Philosophy and magical Tradition. 

               I’ve been an artist, performer, and writer for the last 30 years. In my work, I use occult symbolism.  This journal will also be an exploration into the occult and Pagan imagery and themes in art.  It is my contention that art is shamanism, a communication from Universe B manifesting in Universe A.  The phrase “to draw” means “to bring out,” and in the process of drawing, I’ve communicated with elementals and godforms from what is called the Mauve Zone.  In theatre, I have felt the spirit.  All of these concepts will be described here.

               My philosophical influences are Julius Evola, Rene Guenon, Oswald Spengler, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Aleister Crowley, and Jack Parsons.  These thinkers provide the foundation for the writing presented here.  The spiritual path I follow is Thelema, a Greek word which means “Will.”  It is the synthesis of what I call “Southern Paganism” which includes the Greco-Roman Mysteries, the Sumerian cults, and the Egyptian and Chaldean Gnosis.  I have also been initiated into the mysteries of the Seid of the Nordic-Germanic mysteries and the Code of Troth (Asatru.)  This, along with the Celtic and Druidic cults, is what I call “Northern Paganism.”  It is my goal with this endeavor to bring the mysteries of the ancient Traditions of the West back to our society.


                                                                                                         Joshua Christopher Ruebl

                                                                                                         Kalki-Aiwass 418-666.