Christianity, Marxism, and the Destruction of the West.

The political situation in America has gone into strange territory.  Much of this has a spiritual connotation, as the chaos of both political parties contributes to the mental and cultural decline of our civilization.  There seems to be no center, neither politically or spiritually, and we’ve gone off into the Abyss into extreme, cultish behavior.  Most of this is on the Left, but it is nascently infecting the Right.

               This chaos is due to the waning influence of the Christian religion in our society.  European culture, of which America is a part, had its ethnic religions ripped away from it 1700 years ago and had it replaced by a foreign cult called Christianity.  This has had the effect of homogenizing the different peoples of the West, and keeping them hypnotized and working against their best interests.  Christianity requires a slave-like attitude.  The individual in the cult of Christianity has no personal agency.  He is just a victim of the forces of the world without a spiritual center, praying to a god that is “out there somewhere.”  This anthropomorphic god then dispenses boons based on “good behavior” and the recipient then marches along with "faith,” hoping things will just “work out.”

               In the Pagan Traditions, the Initiate lives in the moment, connected to Supranatural Consciousness.   They exist in a state of temperance and balance while receiving messages from the Divine in the form of sign, coincidence, and omen.  Rather than praying to a god “out there somewhere” for help, God exists all around in nature and in space and time.  “God,” is a part of oneself.  The Divine is the essence of all godforms that exist within your psyche.  Being polytheistic, various gods represent certain philosophical concepts and energies that in nature and in one’s Self.  One summons the gods and goddess for assistance in trying situations or for beneficial outcomes.  Overall, one lives in a state of balance connected to a higher state of consciousness called “Intellectual Intuition” which exists above the rational and irrational.  It is a metaphysical, experiential relationship with the Divine as it manifests in our temporal world.  There is no “belief” nor “faith.”  There is only action in accordance with higher principles and Cosmic Consciousness. 

               The concepts of Original Sin and Vicarious Atonement have engendered in the Western consciousness a self-loathing, which according to Christian theology, is inherited at birth, so even as an infant, one is a “wretched sinner.”  This sinner must then look to Christ to absolve them of their sins.  Upon confession and repentance, the sinner then goes back to their normal routines and behaviors, returning to church every Sunday to beg forgiveness.  The standards become impossible to uphold, so the “sinner” then becomes a slave to their vices in a cycle of guilt, reward, and punishment.  Whatever “sin” one is trying to expunge now happens more frequently due to the extreme authoritarian method to suppress it.  Pagan Tradition understands the concept of what in the Indo-Aryan Tradition is called Karma and what in the Nordic Germanic Tradition was called Orlog.  This, at its most elementary definition, is the concept that past actions dictate present circumstances.  This is the Cycle of Time and Dharma that is the Universe in manifestation.  In the Nordic Germanic Tradition this is called Wyrd.  In the Thelemic Tradition this is called “achieving Hadit.”

Unlike the Pagan Traditions, Christianity has a deep hatred of the body, so it engenders in the Westerner a sense of disgust with and a denial of oneself.  This has contributed to the hatred women have for their bodies, obesity, and a host of sexual dysfunction in men and women.  The hatred of sex that Christianity exhibits often results in a host of sexual perversions.  The temperance of the Pagan Tradition and the focus on the Divine Feminine offers an alternative to the Abrahamic consciousness of self-loathing.  The Pagans saw sex as holy and sacred.  It was viewed as a source of health.

How does all this relate to the current political situation in the West?  The concept of Original Sin in Christian theology has been transposed onto Marxist thought in the form of the racial and gender ideology called Intersectionality.  It posits that all of Western culture is oppressive to the “Other” which is a term used to describe “non-white peoples” and those who are not heterosexual.  It operates under the faulty notion that only Indo-European people can be racist and that all “white” men are sexist and racist oppressors who have constructed an all-encompassing “white capitalist heteronormative patriarchy” to enslave these so-called marginalized people.  Rather than catering to merit and virtue, this creates a culture of victimhood and Nietzschean ressentiment directed at the supposed oppressor i.e., the “white man.”  This assault on Indo-European culture is based on a faulty metaphysics and denies the cognitive and physical abilities of different groups.  What occurs in this atheistic form of metaphysics is that one can change their gender in a form of inverted narcissistic pseudo-spiritual initiation, or one can see racial discrimination in innocuous things, dragging people into struggle sessions and Kafka trials to get them to confess their “sins” of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.  This is what I call “Late Christianity,” the materialist debasement of spirituality into communism and persecution of thought.  It is the reason why all of our art and literature is viewed as sexist and racist.   This ideology is why Third World migrants are allowed to move to Europe and America in large masses as a form of cultural revenge for supposed racial sins.   Original Sin and Vicarious Atonement in a spiritual sense engenders a lack of personal responsibility, while the piety of the religion itself gives the individual both a sense of spiritual superiority and a lack of intellectual curiosity; all toxic for spiritual growth and is the reason for the collective stupidity and narcissism on display in the modern West.  Original Sins of racism and sexism are confessed and purged, whether one is truly guilty of these transgressions or not.

I posit that the West has yet to get out of the Dark Age caused by Christianity, even with the technological progress we’ve made.  We have in our culture a form of scientism which has become a sort of Scientific Nationalism, which intends to enforce scientific dogma upon the West in the place of decayed and debased Christian dogma.  All of it is based on mind-control and a lack of cultural curiosity.  This makes the population easy to control by the Leftist elite.  It is the world solidification from spiritual consciousness into hard matter and materialism.  It is the deadening of consciousness.

What is needed is a return to the ancient Pagan Traditions.  Their morality is based in honor and truth.  This reconciles all morality and replaces the toxic authoritarianism of Christianity with a code of chivalry, manners, and aristocracy that creates a world of passionate, courageous, and honorable men and women.  Pagans also worshipped the body, which in turn engendered physical health.  The ancient Pagan world understood the roles of men and women as the Priest and Priestess, this leads to a balance in society.  The Priest is the earthly manifestation of God, and the Priestess is the earthly manifestation of the Goddess.   Also, the Pagan world did not separate science from its Traditional spiritual wisdom.  As scientific advances were made, the religion changed along with it, adding new attributes and dimensions to the gods and goddesses.  The Christian religion, especially in its Late Protestant forms assigns scriptures to a historic literalism in its unquestioned theology, thus taking what is complex symbol assisting in mystical initiation and turning it into a toxic delusion that creates not only a separation of theology and science, but a separation of God and mankind from nature itself. 

The collapse of the West into Marxism is due to the nature of Christian theology.  All of its concepts are stifling to the mind and damaging to the body.  It takes us away from our true spirituality and wisdom and engenders a lack of curiosity and an inability to see nuance and to reconcile the abstractions and ambiguities that exist in life.  This is why we have the extreme political division in our country and it is the reason why you see desperate, Cultish behavior on the progressive left and within the Christian Church.  It is the cause of mental illness and the spiritual decay of our country.  Only with a return to the Pagan and Hermetic Tradition will the spiritual center of our civilization be restored and will our culture rise again to greatness in its arts, philosophy, religion, and politics.  This Hermetic Tradition will be explored in this journal in all its aspects as it relates to the evolution of human consciousness. I hope that in a small way this assists in the revival of the West.