People in our modern technological world live stressful lives. In the ancient world of Tradition, people lived life at a much slower pace, and they possessed their time. The average citizen of the West perceives time as moving faster and faster, and that her life is taken away from her, that she cannot control it. One can only control their lives and time by living a balanced life and stilling their mind.

Mantra Yoga and meditation clear the mind of thougts, so that one can attain unity with Cosmic Consciousness, or what is called in Advaita Vedanta, the Higher Self or Atman. This is the destruction of the world of Maya or illusion in one’s perception of the world. Then one can lead a life of balance and find personal fulfillment.

In my Mantra Yoga and meditation classes, we will be working with Sanskrit mantras, using a special technique of silent meditation that stills the mind and the breath.

I charge $75 for a two class session. I can be contacted at