On the Magickal View of the Universe, Life, and Art.

Our modern world has forgotten what it means to have a “magickal consciousness” and live a life of action utilizing Intellectual Intuition. The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book “The Chaos Aeon, Vol 1: Thelema and Chaos Magick in Theory and Practice for the New Aeon of Ma’at.” This will come out in June 2025. I thought the following passage is a good example of what is termed “magickal consciousness.” This is a description of the process of Initiation as a neophyte. I have found life to be full of coincidence, sign, and omen, with the Universe speaking directly to me. It is a heightened sense of consciousness that reconciles our human nature with the Divine.


Upon first connection with the Infinite, the Initiate, an individual with an aura different than other people, will listen from that place deep inside himself, and he will hear a strange, yet familiar voice.  This voice that speaks from deep within our collective unconscious is the voice of the True Self that has been suppressed by our materialistic modern world.  For the Initiate, regardless of culture, this voice speaks the same.  It speaks from deep within our unexplored caverns of the mind, from deep in our ancestral memory, and this voice is aligned with one’s intuition and perception of the secret intelligence behind the veil of the material world, and when the Initiate gives himself over to this way of seeing, to this voice, an awakening occurs.  The Initiate will look at this world around him, and a strange feeling will present itself.  It is the feeling that he has always held deep in the back of his mind from early childhood, throughout his formative years, and throughout his entire “formal education.”  As he matures into adulthood, that understanding, that feeling will stay hidden in the back of his consciousness until that moment when all is unveiled, and the Initiate makes the full realization that none of this is real.

            All our temporal, material reality is but a fabrication.  All its appearances and forms are based in our shared, collective, absolute belief in its “truth” or “solidity.”  No two people can possibly share the same exact view of this reality, yet we all share in this illusion, experiencing both its negative and positive forms in their manifestation.  The Western philosophical discourses on the “nature of reality” all collapse upon the Initiate’s realization that nothing has any material substance.  The space between the electrons in the cloud around the nucleus of an atom is empty, and the relative distance between the nucleus of an atom and its electrons is infinite when our perception is reduced to their levelAtoms are 99.9999999% empty space.  So, then it goes to follow that if the world itself is empty space, and if this world does not exist, then as individuals, we do not exist.

  Time and space are but perception, and the forms of this world are not solid.  We are made of energy, which cannot be created nor destroyed.  Electricity burns through our bodies which do not exist.  Our actions and our thoughts are energy, electricity, which again cannot be created nor destroyed.  Our collective belief in the solidity of things is nearly impenetrable, and the only path to freedom and knowledge of the non-material is through the Path of Initiation and the understanding of myth.  It is on this inward journey that our actions become a directed source of energy and Will in the outside world.

            This is the Way of Balance, the Way of Power, and the Way of the Tao.  This is the path of the warrior, a path without fear.  The reality prescribed by our collective society and its false way of “seeing” instills in the consciousness of the individual an overwhelming sense of fear.  The world of humanity is a world of fear, and the occultist is one who through her own independent actions, wields her life like a dagger against all anxiety and all fear.  Throughout this process of self-discovery, reality crumbles and the intelligence of the Universe guides the aspirant through life-obstacles called in occult terms “Ordeals of Initiation.”  These “Ordeals” are spiritually coordinated life-events, often difficult in nature, that assist the Initiate in erasing every neurosis and anxiety that leaves her inhibited in manifesting her Will on the material plane.  This spiritual attainment is in direct rebellion to the façade that is prescribed to imprison us all.

            We have all known fear, for it permeates all our lives and culture.  In the last 2,000 years, the Abrahamic religions in their fragmented and toxic forms have instilled a special version of repression and fear that the ancient European Pagan world did not know.  The Pagans did not have the same attitude towards life and the spirit.  Life in their world was meant to be lived completely, and death was welcomed.   The passage from this life, this world, this Universe A to Universe B is the Great Mystery, and the ignorant fear of this Mystery is the genesis of all dissolution in this degraded modern world.

In Traditional Pagan civilization men and women led a life of balance, of simplicity, free of these modern conveniences and distractions.  In this, they had a power, from the farmer and warrior to the Priest and Priestess.  They were able to deal with pain deeply and thoroughly, and then they were able to let it go, without disturbing their Will or life purpose.  In the modern world, materialism and “progressivism” insists on the human being living in the future, forcing the individual to separate her sense of Self further and further away from her true inner essence, while her sense of personal justification is given to her from those people and ideologues that seek to control her.  Because of this lack of self-governance and control, the modern citizen has overwhelming feelings of depression, anxiety, and fear, along with a sense that the world is empty and pointless.  Julius Evola writing as “Abraxas” describes the process of Initiation, beckoning the aspirant to:

 “Dig, without fear, with a sharp tool.  Ask yourself ‘What elements of my body can I justify with my will?  Do I will my own breathing, or the inner combustion through which food is ingested?  Do I want my own form, my own flesh, this particular man, who is in this fashion, happy or unhappy, noble or vulgar?’  But since I ask these questions, should I not press further on?  Do I really will “my” will, “my” conscience, “my” Self, or are they just there?  That which I claim is caused by my will, I should also be able not to will it, and thus I should be able to live without it.  As far as “my” empirical Self is concerned, do I own it, or does it own me?” (“Introduction to Magic, Vol. 1” Julius Evola and the UR Group, pg. 17.

The Initiate must ask whether the Self he has always known is his True Self, or if it is a prescription by the modern world and its distractions.  The modern world steals the individual from his true Inner Self, his true essence unpolluted by the images and ideologies of the time.  The True Self aligns one with the Will of the Universe, and in this our lives become the essence of joy.

            The ancients of Traditional Western Civilization, prior to materialistic and historical Christianity that began the 2,000-year decline of our spiritual and philosophical systems, knew that there existed an axis of knowledge of a realm outside of this quotidian “reality,” which is the perception of the presence of our bodies at a certain point in space and time.  Religious and scientific dogma, based on the “theory” of reality, obfuscates the true nature of Being, a superior realm of consciousness above the lesser realm of Becoming, the mundane thought-consciousness of “man in the world,” which philosopher Martin Heidegger refers to as Dasein. In the realm of Being, one is connected to the Higher Realms, the essence of one’s “soul” under the divine command of those who exist beyond the veil.  This is the union of humankind with the Higher World.  This is the superior nature of Being, the realm of the Adept, the High Initiate who leaves behind the material world of Becoming.

The ancient Persian Magi of the Zoroastrians cultivated a worldview that was the antithesis to the modern Western Christian-Marxist materialist belief in progressivism- the idea that man’s imperfection can be made perfect through Socialism, Communism, or Liberal-Democracy.  Christianity, a Middle Eastern cult, insists that the West redeem its “Original Sin” through the vicarious atonement the blood of Jesus Christ.  This is a cult like theology which is, in essence, about the abdication of personal responsibility.  This has led to the abuse of women and the emasculation of men.

 Progressivists believe that humanity is influential in the world of nature, that humanity can be perfected socially and physically, that we can conquer nature even as “stewards.”  Our progressivist society believes that humans can perfect nature and ourselves, but in turn this false notion makes us weak and destructive to each other and the world we inhabit.  “Progressivism” and Christianity are about social control under the notion that the current society and world is “oppressive.”  This Neo-Gnosticism is devoid of spiritual Initiation, but rather pushes collective narcissism and psychosis.  Our Consensus Reality forces upon human consciousness the notion that all of us are weak, fearful, and oppressed.  Zoroastrians called this state of being the Lie.

            The Lie that the world is an oppressive place has been ingrained by our progressivist Christian society into our minds beginning at birth.  Our entire Western education system is now predicated on the notion of oppression, thus crushing the genius and curiosity of those who see beyond this distortion.  The Christian church taints us with the concept of “Original Sin,” a concept that has kept the spirit of the West enchained in a false consciousness of weakness and shame. The Lie is so insidious that the only way for most to break free from this corruption of the mind and spirit is through shamanic magickal Initiation.